WhyMommyWhy.org was conceived and created as another grassroots attempt at combating arguably the greatest human plight of all time; that of the casual and callous killing of the most helpless and innocent of all - our unborn children.
Its goal is to cut through the years of rhetoric and confusion and to appeal to human compassion as simply, honestly and directly as possible without passing judgement or otherwise trying to pressure or frighten women who may be contemplating abortion. More simply put; honest food for thought aimed at helping women reason through and avoid the horrible abortion tragedy. Intentionally simple and unsophisticated. Hopefully effective. Its creator believes in an abundance of heartfelt opposition to this heinous act, but feels that the issue has been effectively co-opted and confounded over time with good, compassionate people being misled by cynical ideologues who perversely strive to excuse, ignore, deflect and deny the obvious truth of the matter, which is that abortion truly is the deliberate termination (killing) of the most innocent of human life. In an age of reason, such dreadful pursuit is unconscionable. |